MGMT 100
PLSThe Art and Science of Management
Learn basic management skills, and where and when to apply them. You’ll also learn about social responsibility and business ethics, and apply this knowledge through a community-based learning project.
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At Clark University, we don’t graduate future managers; we graduate future leaders. As you pursue a B.A. in management, you’ll go beyond the nuts and bolts of income, revenue, forecasts, and profit margins, becoming immersed in the legal, ethical, social, and environmental dimensions of the business world. To gain additional knowledge and skills, consider adding a track in Data Analytics.
Through classroom projects, internship opportunities, and participation in on-campus organizations like the Entrepreneurship Club, Investments and Trading Society, and Net Impact, you will get the chance to develop and exercise strong leadership skills. In short, a bachelor of arts degree in management from Clark will give you all the tools you need to succeed in any business setting.
*Curriculum update
Effective fall 2025, Clark will recognize this STEM-related course of study by awarding a Bachelor of Science in Management. Students graduating before then will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts. Contact your academic advisor for details.
*Curriculum update
Effective fall 2025, Clark will recognize this STEM-related course of study by awarding a Bachelor of Science in Management. Students graduating before then will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts. Contact your academic advisor for details.
Studying business management in the liberal arts tradition at Clark is especially useful because management is increasingly being seen as more than just as a set of “hard” skills. In our classes, you’ll learn the nuances and “soft” skills that make management an art, rather than a science. Courses also stress putting theoretical knowledge into current practice; you will complete in-depth case studies and group projects based on real business challenges, and solve real-time problems for actual companies. All of your classes are taught by faculty members who are dedicated to responsible financial business practices on a global scale.
Fifteen courses are required for the major: one in economics, 12 in management, and an additional two management courses of your choice.
Qualified students can join the Clark chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the national management honor society.
Building your foundation
The Clark Core allows students to take courses across diverse disciplines, helping them develop critical thinking skills and respect for other cultures and perspectives. You’ll connect classroom learning with action through world and workplace experiences.